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Security & Privacy

foundU Trust Centre

If you're considering using foundU, you might have a few questions about how we manage our platform, data, and security.

We respect your workforce data

This information is important and sensitive. That's why we've built workflows and security architecture to protect your data.


Getting paid on time matters

We have quality controls in place to make sure you can consistently pay your employees the right amount, on time.

We take payroll seriously

Find out how we ensure security, privacy, and quality in our workforce management and payroll workflows.


Security Whitepaper

Security has been built into our organisation, culture, and technology. Customers entrust us with sensitive corporate and employee information, and you can read our White Paper to understand our approach to security.
Compliance Icon

Privacy Policy

We store, use, disclose, and manage your personal information in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Cth), as well as our privacy policy.

Agreement Terms

Our Terms of Use ensure we continue to deliver the very best workforce management and payroll software in Australia. These terms apply to new customers from when they sign up and start implementing our platform.

Compliance and Certifications

We hold ourselves to high industry standards.


ISO 27001:2022 is the world's best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

AWS Compliance

We operate in an AWS security control environment with robust controls and compliance measures in place.

Pen Testing Image

Regular Penetration Testing

foundU works with industry security professionals to conduct regular security tests. We can make the results available to your business upon request.

Frequently asked questions

What firewall do you use?

AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) in conjunction with AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer). No servers are directly exposed to the internet.

If your office network is compromised, can an attacker get to our data?

No, our office network is not directly attached to our secure cloud network.

How is your application code hosted?

Our code is deployed with AWS Code Deploy in a Blue/Green deployment pattern. We use AWS AMI’s for hosting our core application and AWS Fargate for hosting assistive service applications. The AMI’s are built and patched automatically using AWS Image Builder.

Where is our data located?

foundU is hosted exclusively in AWS Sydney, spread across three Availability Zones. We also keep off cloud, on premise backups. No data is stored outside of Australian borders.

Transparent pricing, no surprises

Get the workforce management tools and support you need, throughout your growth journey. Choose from three unique packages, all designed to help you scale your workforce.